Transaction Overview
AXIS announced the issuance of 2022-2 (R) Shares by Alturas Re Ltd.
- Alturas Re Ltd. is a Bermuda segregated accounts Special Purpose Insurer
- The 2022-2 (R) Shares will provide collateral capacity to AXIS’ global property reinsurance portfolio
- Terms of the transaction were undisclosed
Alturas represents a key component of the expansion of AXIS’ third party capital strategy
- Developing long-term, multi-faceted, and mutually beneficial relationship with investors
- Exploring a wide range of potential transaction structures and subject lines of business
AXIS is a leading global specialty insurer and reinsurer headquartered in Bermuda
- Provides clients and distribution partners with a broad range of specialty products
- ~$7.5bn of Q3’21 LTM gross premium written in 32 offices across 4 continents
- Market leader in several target segments, including:
- Top 10 writer of U.S. Excess & Surplus Lines
- Top 10 franchise at Lloyd’s by written premium
- Top 10 insurer of North American Professional Lines
TigerRisk Capital Markets & Advisory Role
TCMA acted as structuring and placement agent to AXIS
- Provided advice through all stages of the process to drive an optimal outcome for AXIS
- Integrated effort by TigerRisk’s capital markets, reinsurance, and analytics teams
- Key transaction steps led by TigerRisk included:
- Provided key advice on the design and structuring of the subject portfolio
- Assisted with modeling the subject portfolio, including non-catastrophe exposures
- Selected, introduced and arranged meetings with key participating investors
- Offered key insight around key transaction terms and conditions