Transaction Overview
Ark Insurance Holdings Limited (“Ark”) announced the formation of Outrigger Re Ltd. (“Outrigger”)
- Outrigger is a Bermuda segregated accounts company registered as a Special Purpose Insurer
- Outrigger provides collateralized reinsurance to Ark Bermuda’s global property catastrophe portfolio
- Collateralized reinsurance provided via a quota share
- Received $250 million in initial investor commitments
- White Mountains committed $205mm of capital
- Additional third-party investors include Aquiline & a subsidiary of Enstar Group Limited (NASDAQ: ESGR)
Outrigger represents an opportunity to provide scarce CAT capacity in a rapidly evolving marketplace
- Allows Ark to meet the needs of its current and future clients in a challenged market
- Provides Ark with an opportunity to take advantage of positive market dynamics
- Diversifies Ark’s sources of funding, increasing financial and operational flexibility
Ark is a specialty property and casualty insurance and reinsurance company
- Underwrites a diversified and balanced portfolio of reinsurance and insurance business
- Ark’s Bermuda platform, rated “A” by A.M. Best, commenced trading in January 2021
- Ark Syndicate Management Limited manages the underwriting of Lloyd’s Syndicates 4020 and 3902
- White Mountains owns 72% of Ark on a basic shares outstanding basis(a)
Howden Tiger Capital Markets & Advisory Role
HTCMA acted as Exclusive Structuring and Placement Agent to Ark
- Provided advice through all stages of the process, driving an optimal outcome for Ark
- Identified a variety of institutional investors interested in supporting Ark through this transaction
- Key aspects of the transaction led by HTCMA included:
- Development of the structure and economic terms of the transaction
- Construction of a robust financial model including stochastic analysis of investor returns
- Drafting of detailed marketing materials and assistance with investor due diligence requests
- Selection and introduction of a wide range of global institutional investors
- Coordination of the legal and regulatory aspects of the establishment of Outrigger
(a) As of the time of the transaction.