Bill Cooper Discusses Lloyd’s Market Turnaround on Insure TV

Bill Cooper, Managing Director Howden Capital Markets & Advisory, spoke with Insure TV recently about the findings of the Howden Lloyd’s market Snapshot, and the strong profitability and growing investor interest in Lloyd’s.

“Lloyd’s of London is an iconic brand and institution…” explains Bill. “Over the last five or six years, the management in charge of Lloyd’s have made huge progress in turning the market around and this has culminated with record results last year, profits of £10bn +, which is the highest in the market’s history and one of the best underwriting results in the last 20 to 30 years. So a huge turnaround, turning Lloyd’s back into what it should be which, as I say, is an iconic institution in the UK and globally…

“Market conditions remain strong and we think that that, combined with the return to profitability, and strong profitability at Lloyd’s gives it the opportunity to continue to grow over the next few years.”

“This is the highest risk adjusted pricing we’ve seen over the last 30 years”, commented Bill. “..We don’t think those market conditions are going to change any time soon… We think market conditions will remain strong for the next year or two… As long as the supply and demand equation stays where it is, then we think the prospects for good profitability on the market remain strong.”

To hear more from Bill about what’s next for Lloyd’s following this period of growth and positive returns, how Lloyd’s can stay relevant, market conditions, and investor interest in the space, watch the full interview, The Resurgence of Lloyd’s: Market Growth and Investment Trends and download Howden Re’s Lloyds market snapshot here: